Philips head screwdriver
Squeegee (Supplied)
Exacto knife, with a new blade or a single edged razor blade
Hair dryer

Alcohol Wipes (supplied)
Masking Tape
Paper towels/microfiber cloth

It would be advisable to apply the wrap to your board working on a hard, clean surface such as a dining table or counter top. Don't work on the floor as the static created when peeling off the backing paper from the vinyl will attract dust, which will be nearly impossible to remove.


Remove the bindings.

Clean, clean and clean just a little more. Remove old stickers and any remaining glue residue. Wipe down the entire surface with Windex, ensuring that there is no dirt, oil or wax on the surface. Open the supplied alcohol swab and wipe down the entire board. Let dry.

1. Place the wrap over your board and position it so that the printed design completely covers the board.

2. Place a 4 inch piece of masking tape on the edge of the wrap, approximately at the middle point of the board, and tape the wrap to your work surface. Repeat on the other side of the board, ensuring that the wrap can't slide around as you start the process 


3. Fold one half of the wrap over the other half of the board.

4. Peel back the paper so that half of the wrap's adhesive is exposed and cut the paper backing off.

5. Holding the two outer edges of the wrap in both hands, fold the wrap over so that it lays smoothly on the surface of the board.

6. Take the squeegee and work the surface of the wrap from the middle of the board to the outer edges. Work from the midpoint of the board (where you've placed the masking tape) towards the tip. Air bubbles can get trapped, but by working from the midpoint of the board to the outer edges, moving up the surface to the tip, you will be able to chase the bubbles out to the edges leaving a smooth bubble free surface.

7. Repeat step 6 on the other half of the board.

8. Check that the wrap is firmly adhered to the outer edge of the board by running the squeegee around the circumference of the board.

9. Take your Exacto knife or razor blade and trim the excess vinyl. It is best to run the blade at a slight angle, using the edge of your board as a guide. Be careful not to gouge or nick the edge of your board. Use a smooth, controlled motion as you run the blade around your board instead of short jagged strokes.

10. After removing the excess vinyl, check the edges of your board. If there are any small overhanging pieces of vinyl, trim them off. Any stray overhanging pieces of vinyl at this point will become a weak point on the adhesion and might allow snow and debris to get under the wrap.

11. Heat the entire surface of the board with your hairdryer so that it is warm (not HOT). Run your hand or squeegee over the surface and edges of the wrap to ensure there is a good adhesion and no obvious air bubbles.

12. Let the wrap cool

13. Run your fingers over the board where the binding mounting holes are located. When you have located them, use the Philips head screwdriver to poke a hole through the wrap into the screw hole. Remount your bindings. If you are not comfortable or knowledgeable about how your bindings should be mounted, consult a professional at your favorite board shop.

The hard work’s over. GO HAVE FUN!